Michigan Tech's annual Spring Fling was today. The main festivity is mud volleyball known as "Ooze Ball." Unfortunately, I was only able to enjoy the events for a short time, as the festivities were drawing to a close by the time my classes ended for the day.

Ooze Ball

The snowmobile club was feeling a little down on their luck.

A friendly reminder to all the Ooze Ball players.
I know your mind is far from Tech this summer, but I thought I'd give you a link to Entertainment Engineering, a magazine that should be of interest to you and your classmates. I met one of the magazine's editors, Terry Persun, at BookExpo America (BEA) in Los Angeles last week. He's an exceptionally nice guy. (I'm thinking "internship"...) ;)
Let's see. You have another year before you need to declare a major, right? Any thoughts on the matter?
Sounds interesting. As for declaring a major, Michigan Tech does things a little different than most places. I declared Mechanical Engineering as my major when I enrolled. From what I've heard, it's easy to change majors if you decide to. I seem to be liking ME pretty well so far.
Thanks! I'm glad it's being found and enjoyed. I'll have to get around to posting some updates when I get some free time.
Very nicce!
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