Saturday, January 19, 2008


Today was the first annual Lumijuoksu, held in Hancock by the MTU Track & Field team.  Lumijuoksu means "snow run" in Finnish.  Of course, I can't pass up any opportunity for an open 5K run, even in the middle of January.  The run lived up to its name, with snow falling steadily for most of the morning.  Temperatures were in the -3 to 4 degree range, depending on who you ask, and wind chill was as cold as -26 degrees F.  The run was through downtown Hancock and the route passed snowbanks that were taller than I am.  I don't think I stepped on any pavement for the whole race.  Well, it was a snow run.  I made sure to bundle up in many layers and to leave no skin exposed.  As it turns out, I wore the right amount, only mildly overheating near the finish.  After getting my coat and snowpants back on, Ashby and I made our way to the awards ceremony.  It turned out that I won the 14-19 age group.  All in all a very fun and rewarding run.  It was definitely like nothing I have done before.

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