Saturday, August 11, 2007

Run Thru Hell

It seems that the only things I find interesting enough to write about lately are running events! This morning I went with a group of runners to participate in the annual Run Thru Hell. Both 4.8 and 10 mile runs are offered. This was my third time for the event and the second time I ran the 10 miles. I was very pleased with my run. I completed the race in 1:08:01, a definite improvement over last year's 1:14:46. I came in 119th overall and 64th in my age group. The start of the race as usual was a long process, as all of the runners had to cross a timing mat which is about 10 feet wide. With thousands of runners this is not a fast process. Luckily the same timing mats that cause this delay later allow a computer to subtract your start time from your finish time making for a fair race even for those starting last in line. A by-product of this is that you never know when the person running next to you started (unless you saw them cross the mat), so their time may be way ahead of (or behind) you even though you finish right next to them. To me, though, that doesn't really matter, because I'm more interested in improving my previous years' time than being faster than the other runners. All in all I had a great time at the run and I hope everyone else did too.

Me shortly after the drawn out start...

...and just before the finish.

Checking the results.

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